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USCG Boating Safety Student Registration
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About this event
Boat Safety Class. The Fond du Lac Coast Guard Auxiliary will be teaching an in-person Boating Safety Course and those that complete the course will receive their Wisconsin DNR Boating Safety Certificate.
Registration and materials pick-up will be on Sunday, April 21st from 6pm to 8pm at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club located at 705 Mohawk Avenue. Classes will be held over 4 nights, April 23rd, 25th and 30th, and then May 2nd and will run from 6pm to 9pm, also held at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club. Those attending the classes are required to attend all nights of instruction and complete the final exam with an 80% score or better.
You need to register for the class to reserve your spot by going to the DNR Go Wild website at and then selecting Browse Classes tab at the bottom of their home page, select BOAT and then the Fond du Lac Yacht Club Class.
Cost is $10 per person to cover materials.
Event Contact(s)
James D Haase
Michael J Born
Auxiliary Club Events
Registration Info
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